Trade Works for America Issues Statement on USTR Action to Address Seasonal Produce Concerns with Mexico

September 2, 2020

Trade Works for America Issues Statement on USTR Action to Address Seasonal Produce Concerns with Mexico

WASHINGTON, D.C.— Trade Works for America co-chair Phil Cox today issued the following statement on the Administration’s decision to address concerns related U.S.-Mexico trade and seasonal produce:

“We are encouraged by the Administration’s thoughtful approach to addressing seasonal produce concerns as a long-standing, regional issue between the United States and Mexico. We applaud USTR for the open and transparent process as discussions have continued, and for providing the opportunity for stakeholders to submit feedback prior to making this determination. Trade Works for America supports the decision to conduct a thorough investigation of the impact on domestic agriculture while continuing negotiations with Mexico. We encourage the Administration to continue working closely with Mexico to uphold the provisions and intentions of the landmark USMCA to support farmers, ranchers and workers across the United States.”
